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Stephen Crawford nominated Provincial PC Candidate

Stephen Crawford | Oakville PC Riding Association
Stephen Crawford | Oakville PC Riding Association

Over 1000 Oakville riding Progressive Conservative party members turned out June 28, 2017 to elect a party nominee for the next provincial election. The Oakville PCs selected candidate Stephen Crawford as party standard-bearer in the aggressively contested battle. Political observers say that the high turnouts at Progressive Conservative nomination meetings across the province are indicative of heightened interest in the forthcoming election, which by law must be held on or before June 7, 2018.

Crawford, a financial industry executive, won out over Ward 6 Councillor Dr. Natalia Lishchyna and long-time resident physician Dr. Khurram Khan. The voting at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School ran well over two hours and results were announced shortly before 11 pm. In keeping with party protocol, numerical results were not released.

All three of the candidates were cheered when their respective speeches focused on the perceived fiscal and administrative ineptitude and failures of the provincial Liberals and what they defined as an urgent need to set the province in order.

Crawford’s victory caught some by surprise, building a grassroots movement over a short period of time that featured a highly organized get-out-the-vote component. Municipal councillor and chiropractor Dr. Lishchyna had previously sought a federal nomination. Dr. Khan is well known for his work with youths and in new Canadian communities. Under the leadership of Patrick Brown, the Progressive Conservative Party has been making a concerted effort to engage and involve new Canadians.

After thanking the other candidates, Stephen Crawford called for party unity to defeat incumbent Liberal MPP Kevin Flynn in the forthcoming election. “We all stand united now to make sure Oakville turns blue in the next provincial election."

Unity is going to be important. Since April the executive leadership of at least three Progressive Conservative riding associations have resigned over their respective nomination processes. There have been some complaints that party leader Brown and party organizers are hand-selecting candidates, while others say the party is being shepherded to the political centre against the wishes of some in the rank and file.

Patrick Brown congratulated Crawford on his nomination. "Stephen brings a wealth of experience to our Ontario PC team. Stephen is a financial services executive and knows how to build and grow a business. Stephen has an unrivalled work ethic, and I know he will work tirelessly to deliver for his constituents.”

Stephen Crawford, candidate

Crawford was born and raised in Mississauga. At 32, he became Senior Vice President, National Sales at Acuity Funds. He helped Acuity's assets under management grow from $300 million to almost $10 billion. In 2011, he became a senior executive with O'Leary Funds.

He has been an advocate and fundraiser for Plan Canada's ‘Because I Am a Girl’. He has also been a member of 100 Guys who Care, Oakville chapter and The Royal Canadian Military Institute.

Crawford was an active supporter of free trade and campaigned for the Mulroney Conservatives in the 1988 election. He has been a board member on the federal Conservative Party in Oakville.

Crawford and wife Najia have four children- two sets of identical twin girls.

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