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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Most truck drivers are trained, drive current vehicles

LETTER: Most truck drivers are trained, drive current vehicles

Reader says times have changed and speeds, trailer lengths have changes, too
LETTER: Canadians' poll responses don't Trump U.S. political reality

LETTER: Canadians' poll responses don't Trump U.S. political reality

'The typical Canadian has a completely off-base view of the political situation', reader says
LETTER: Government lacking in adequate action on climate crisis

LETTER: Government lacking in adequate action on climate crisis

'The province's reliance on fossil fuels is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbating the climate crisis,' reader says
LETTER: Oakville citizens should make Canada’s involvement in foreign affairs a top priority

LETTER: Oakville citizens should make Canada’s involvement in foreign affairs a top priority

"As global citizens who share our very neighborhoods with people from all over the world, we should think about whether or not we would want to help them if they were facing the same realities many continue to face today," reader says
LETTER: Albertans thank Oakville for warm hockey tourney welcome

LETTER: Albertans thank Oakville for warm hockey tourney welcome

Visitors in town for junior hockey championship say 'everyone treated us like family'
LETTER: Ideas from recent housing meeting would lead Oakville 'in a positive way forward'

LETTER: Ideas from recent housing meeting would lead Oakville 'in a positive way forward'

One reader wrote to Oakville News, wondering if something is missing from our reporting on a recent planning and development council meeting.
LETTER: New York-style noise initiative needed

LETTER: New York-style noise initiative needed

The noise levels downtown are of a major concern for at least one reader