Rob Ford is my neighbour. His office is across the street from my office. I hope that he is not my neighbour for much longer. It’s not that I don’t think he is doing a good job or is representing my interests (he’s not) but rather, I am worried that he is on the path to career and personal self-destruction and I don’t wish that on anyone.
Surely, there is someone in his life who can help him see the slippery slope that is alcohol and cocaine. These are not things you do once. Not as an adult anyway.
The line between using these substances to relax and using these substances because you are addicted is pretty blurry.
It’s not surprising that he can’t see the mess he is in. He is too busy returning calls to his constituents.
If he were a CEO or a Supervisor at a corporation, he would be excused for treatment. If he was a Senator, he would be suspended (especially if he had submitted the expenses for his smoking accessories).
Surely the City of Toronto has an HR person who could find a secret back door exit and show him where it is.
It would save us all a lot of heartache and embarrassment.