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Town’s updated noise by-law upheld in conviction

graffiti word "noise"
graffiti word "noise"

A conviction was registered and a $20,000 fine imposed by the Provincial Offences Court against Comprehensive Logistics Co. Inc., Mayor Burton announced at a Planning and Development meeting last night. The fine was levied for noise emitted after 7 p.m. on February 14, 2013 from Comprehensive Logistics’ warehouse located on Invicta Drive, contrary to the town’s noise by-law.

"I am very pleased with the result. We will continue fighting for residents because we know that enjoying the peace and quiet of home is so important to keeping Oakville a great place to live," said Councillor Adams who initiated the rewriting of Oakville's noise by-law during his first term of Council, paving the way for yesterday’s conviction.

Throughout the court proceedings, critical evidence was provided by Falgarwood Drive residents who recounted loud banging noises associated with the loading of transport trucks that went on until midnight. The evidence introduced in court was supported by investigating By-Law enforcement Officer Marry Sharpen.

“Falgarwood Drive residents voiced their concerns and their Councillors Tom Adams and Max Khan were proactive in ensuring that their concerns were heard and their interests protected,” Mayor Rob Burton said. “This was a test for our updated noise by-law and it succeeded.”

A $20,000 penalty was imposed by the Court upon hearing submissions from the Town Prosecutor, Eric Bowman, that the fine must be more than a mere cost of doing business for Comprehensive Logistics.

The town expects even larger penalties if there are further violations and convictions.
