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Town of Oakville gifts Bronte Road a nearly $200,000 pedestrian crosswalk

Ben Brown
Ben Brown

The corner of Bronte Road and Ontario Street has a new crosswalk at the bend in front of the pier. This crosswalk, however, won't be like the ones you might see in downtown Oakville spanning Lakeshore Road. 

Bronte Road's new crosswalk is equipped with a traffic signal system displaying red, yellow, and green lights, and came with a price tag of $188,000. It will also not be the only of its kind on this street. 

With the crosswalk installation beginning just a few days ago, the public has been confused as to what this exactly is. The town has not yet confirmed when the new crosswalk will be operational.

In response to community concerns, Oakville officials shed light on the newly installed pedestrian signal at the intersection of Bronte Road and Ontario Street. 

The signal, part of the town's Neighbourhood Traffic Safety Program, is meant to act as a safe crossing area leading to Bronte Heritage Waterfront Park.

Ben Brown
Ben Brown

Though some residents have expressed concern over the necessity of it’s presence: "This is an area that is really only busy on Canada Day," one resident noted. 

"I'm not sure why they didn’t do the cheaper option, but if it stays green all the time unless someone presses it then that’s O.K. I suppose," another resident added. 

Bronte Road and Ontario Street is one of eleven Community Safety Zones that were approved by Council in October of 2021. 

The Town's Communications Advisor, Michelle Tadique, commented on the signal, saying, "Given the angle of how the two roads meet at the intersection, pedestrians tend to cross on a diagonal at this location."

"In 2023, the (Neighbourhood Traffic Safety) program included the construction of pedestrian signals at Oak Park Boulevard and Sawgrass Drive and at Bronte Road and Ontario Street, as well as 40 PXOs (pedestrian crossovers)," she continued.

Ward 1 Town Councillor Jonathan McNeice commented, "You’ll see that there are different types of pedestrian crossings at each intersection on Ontario Street and there is still work to happen at Ontario Street & East Street."

"There are several different types of crosswalks that are used in the Town based on the characteristics of the crossing and certain guidelines that transportation engineers must follow," he continued.

McNeice said that this crossing on Bronte Road is different from the traditional yellow-light flashing crosswalks due to sight lines and visibility. These crosswalks, classified as "Type B PXO's," cost about $85,000 to design and construct. Over $100,000 less than this new addition to Bronte Road. 

The signal is planned to be operational by the end of December.

Councillor Sean O'Meara confirmed that another light like this one will be installed at the other end at East and Ontario Street.


Ben Brown

About the Author: Ben Brown

Ben Brown is a local news reporter from Oakville, Ontario, a graduate from WIlfrid Laurier University and a self-published author. His main focus is reporting on crime, local businesses and achievements, and general news assignments throughout town
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