On Sunday December 16th a message from the Halton District School Board announced that the Elementary and Junior High teachers would be on strike on Wednesday December 19th. Elementary and junior high schools would be closed on that day – and there will be no bus pick-up. Though you have to wonder what kind of parent would actually think that buses would still be dropping off children at a closed school.
It is good that parents were given so much notice, and it will allow parents time to arrange schedules in order to accommodate the strike. Though – why is it only one day? What are the teachers hoping to achieve by striking, other then letting parents know that they are not happy? If you are a parent – you are already aware that Ontario public and secondary teachers are very unhappy. Are teachers only striking for a day, because they are aware that the general public does not have a great deal of sympathy for their demands.
So many Canadians have watched what happened in the US, and likely personally knew Canadians who lost their jobs during the past recession. Pensions, banking sick days, guaranteed raises are for almost all Canadian’s a thing of the past. There are no sure things or sure jobs, just ask the thousands of recently graduated teachers who cannot find a job. Teachers play instrumental role in Canadian society, and are a valued group of dedicated individuals.
The world economy has forever changed Canada’s world. This change has already effected many Canadians, and now it is reaching public sector union employees. Other unions were forced to make large concessions – and as the economy pulls together – new jobs are being created again such as Ford Canada adding a 3rd shift to Oakville’s Truck Plant. Is this teacher’s strike day effective – we’ll have to see. For most parents whose children are already being personally effected by reduction of teachers’ services, they are mainly concerned about their children’s welfare. Hopefully, this frustration felt by the teachers will soon be over – and they can focus on teaching.