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How to stop Junk Mail

As a follow-up to Canada Post's elimination of home delivery in Oakville

c6278e06a7eaae69b4b934202b001e70, a number of Oakville residents are frustrated at Canada Post's reduction in service. Canada Post makes a substantial amount. To give you an idea there are approximately 16,100 families in Oakville that have an income of in excess of $80,000 per year who are have a college degree or higher level of education. How they determine this I'm really not sure - but when operating

, a number of Oakville residents are frustrated at Canada Post's reduction in service. Canada Post makes a substantial amount. To give you an idea there are approximately 16,100 families in Oakville that have an income of in excess of $80,000 per year who are have a college degree or higher level of education. How they determine this I'm really not sure - but when operating Canada Post Precision Targeter this level of detail is available. Yes, it does feel like Big Brother is watching.

The cost of preparing an admail campaign to those 16,100 households is $2,286.86, making the cost per post card $0.14. The average number of unaddressed admail pieces is 5 everyday over 40 weeks, which is conservative. Canada Post is making on our very personal information about $2,280,000.00 per year or $141.00 per household. What I receive is a large number of pieces of admail which have no relevance to me. They fill up my recycling box not to mention the additional materials that are used to make these materials.

93171d6440cb24f4372a9ec2da96641cSo one way to stop these admail campaigns is very simple. You put a sign on the inner lip of your super mail box (the part the postal carrier sees when he opens up the box) which says: NO UNADDRESSED ADMAIL. For the diminishing few who are still receiving home delivery it needs to be applied to a location that is noticeable to your letter carrier. The letter carrier must adhere to the notice and is not allowed to deliver  unaddressed admail. The post office cannot stop delivering mail that is addressed.

So one way to stop these admail campaigns is very simple. You put a sign on the inner lip of your super mail box (the part the postal carrier sees when he opens up the box) which says: NO UNADDRESSED ADMAIL. For the diminishing few who are still receiving home delivery it needs to be applied to a location that is noticeable to your letter carrier. The letter carrier must adhere to the notice and is not allowed to deliver  unaddressed admail. The post office cannot stop delivering mail that is addressed.

When Canada Post was delivering mail to my home, I didn't begrudge them making a few dollars. They were providing a service which I appreciated. Letter carriers where a pleasant part of the day. It was nice to know that there was someone who did walk the neighbourhood on a regular basis, likely paying attention if a resident was mail was stacking up. It creates community. However, now Canada Post has decided that it doesn't feel that element of human interaction is necessary to their business. If that is the case, then if you want to use my personal information to make money - you better start paying for it.
