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260 Oakville students struggle financially - can you help?

Of the 800 students requiring support from the Halton Learning Foundation, more than 260 live in Oakville.

It's a no-brainer that many Oakville families reel under the country-wide cost-of-living crisis today (9.4% of  Oakville residents live in poverty). The increase in the number of households requesting support is triggering alarm among local charities. 

The Halton Learning Foundation (HLF), a registered charity, appeals to its existing donors and Halton District School Board (HDSB) students- 200 more than last year. Among the 800, more than 260 requests were received from our town.

HLF has learnt from the teachers and principals in HDSB that "many more families this year are spending a disproportionate amount of their income on housing and utilities, leaving little left for food, clothing, school supplies and other necessities." 

"In terms of financials, we are quite concerned about being able to fully fund all requests for student support this school year if the pace of requests continues," said HLF's Sherri Armstrong, Communications Manager. 

According to the charity, parents' financial struggles can directly impact students' ability to learn – "whether it's due to a lack of nutrition, a lack of technology to complete schoolwork, or perhaps because they need prescription glasses that the parents can't afford."

"We need ongoing funding to continue to support kids' basic needs for food, winter clothing and school supplies and to help ensure all students are included in learning opportunities," shared HLF's CEO Lesley Mansfield in a press release.

"We need ongoing funding to continue to support kids' basic needs for food, winter clothing and school supplies and to help ensure all students are included in learning opportunities," shared HLF's CEO Lesley Mansfield in a press release. 

HLF provides gift cards to families or students so they can choose to spend on food, clothing, school supplies or other necessities. For learning opportunities such as field trips, sports team fees or post-secondary application fees, it reimburses the school on behalf of those students. 

The charity shared that a donation of $250 (or $20.85/month) can provide a student with clothing, food and hygiene items, whereas an amount of $120 (or $10/month) can provide a warm winter coat, boots and mitts.

Residents can also donate in tribute to a favourite teacher, friend or family member, and HLF may send the recipient an e-card.
