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Halton Council approves tax relief programs

On April 16, 2014, Regional Council approved Halton Region’s tax policy report which details the Region’s final 2014 tax rates based on the 2014 Budget and Business Plan as approved by Halton Regional Council on December 11, 2013.The 2014 Budget and Business Plan delivers a 0.4 per cent property tax reduction for Regional services, when combined with the 0.7% increase in the Halton Regional Police Services budget; Halton taxpayers on average will see no increase or 0.0% on the total Regional property tax bill. This results in an eight-year average tax increase of 0% for Regional services, while maintaining service levels in a growing community.

Also included in the tax policy report are several tax relief programs supported by the Region for 2014 and include:

  • Continuation of the Rebate for Charitable Organizations which provides a rebate of 40% of the property taxes paid by local Registered Charitable Organizations. To be eligible for the rebate, charities must have a valid registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency and must rent or own a commercial or industrial property in Halton.
  • Continuation of the tax deferral program for low income seniors and persons with disabilities that enables eligible residential property owners to annually defer the increase in their taxes.
  • Agreement to cost-share the property tax rebate program for low income seniors with Local Municipalities.

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