Events: Happy Canada Day!
[events_list scope='2013-07-01' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]
#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES
Beach Report
- Bronte Beach - Safe to Swim
- Cornonation Park East - Safe to Swim
- Coronation Park West - Safe to Swim
It will be overcast for most of the day, but there is only a 30 percent chance of rain today rising to 40 percent by this evening. Today's high is expected to reach a comfortable plus 22 and only drop one degree for this evening. The North East wind will be 25 km/h and gusts up to 38 km/h, a great day for sailors.
- Air quality is good
- UV index is high
- Pollen count is moderate
The sun rose at 5:40 AM and sets at 9:03. Have a great Canada Day! We have so much to be grateful for.