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Events in Oakville: April 2, 2014

Easter Bunny, Oakville News,
Easter Bunny, Oakville News,


[events_list scope='2014-04-02']

#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



Sunshine and warmth is on tap for today. This morning you'll step outside to a fresh plus 2, but once the sun rises at 6:58 AM the temperature will begin to warm up until we hit today's high of plus 10. The clouds that you see this morning will clear out leaving behind clear blue skies. The sun sets at 7:46 PM and then the temperature will drop to minus 3. The wind is coming out of the west at 20 km/h at times gusting to 35 km/h. All in all a great spring day, ENJOY!
