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Council approves redevelopment option for Oakville Arena

Inside Oakville Arena | Town of Oakville
Inside Oakville Arena | Town of Oakville

The heritage features of Oakville Arena will be saved for future generations to enjoy following Town Council’s approval last night of a resident-supported plan to revitalize and expand the nearly 60-year-old facility.

“Residents are passionate about Oakville Arena — its place in the town’s history and its future in meeting Oakville’s facility needs,” said Mayor Rob Burton. “This is an excellent example of Council and residents working together to enhance Oakville’s outstanding livability.”

Following extensive public consultation in the development of the Parks, Recreation and Library Facilities Master Plan, Council directed staff to develop design options for Oakville Arena that would include a single-pad arena, incorporate new seniors’ centre and maintain the existing recreation amenities at Trafalgar Park.

The proposed design options were presented to the public at two well-attended information sessions in March. Residents could also submit their comments online. The majority supported maintaining and refurbishing the historic features of the arena while expanding the facility to be a true community hub for fitness and social activities for all ages.

“The direction from residents was really clear,” said Nina de Vaal, director of Recreation and Culture for the Town of Oakville. “Preserve the heritage features, but make the arena and surrounding park facility better for future generations.”

The redevelopment concept, known as Revitalization Option #2, is estimated to cost $29.4 million and includes: a new supporting structure on top of the existing roof; extended arena bays to create an NHL-size ice surface; seating for 450 people; a walking track; a new seniors’ centre with separate access; administrative offices; a gymnasium; and a new Kinsmen Pine Room for public meetings and events. Conceptual drawings for Option #2 are available for viewing online. The project will be referred to the 2015 capital budget to determine funding options with construction currently forecast for planned for 2017-18.

At last night’s meeting, Council also approved a motion to formally designate Oakville Arena as a heritage structure under the Ontario Heritage Act. The property, located at 133 Rebecca Street, is currently listed as a non-designated property on the Oakville Heritage Register. For more information on the Oakville Arena Redevelopment project, please
