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Regional councillors approve Halton’s 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan

Halton Region
Halton Region

Halton Regional Council has approved a 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan that will guide the region's work over the coming years.

The plan includes four strategic themes, each with goals, actions and measures.

"This plan reflects the priorities of residents and businesses and builds on our successes and ongoing work with community partners to enhance the quality of life in Halton," said Halton regional chair Gary Carr.

"I would like to thank everyone who provided their feedback and shared what matters most to them to help inform the 2023-2026 Strategic Business Plan. Together, we will help keep Halton a great place to live." 

To support the development of the Plan, residents, businesses and community partners as well asIndigenous People, Communities and First Nations were engaged in a public consultation process. Public engagement activities included an online survey, virtual public meetings and a community partner meeting.

The four strategic themes outlined in the plan include:

  • Community Well Being
  • Infrastructure and Growth
  • Climate Change and the Environment
  • Excellence in Government.

Regional council will continue to work closely with Halton’s four local municipal governments, other levels of government and community partners to implement the plan, deliver on the strategic themes and find collaborative solutions to emerging issues.

Progress on the themes, goals, actions and measures will be reviewed and reported to Regional Council on an annual basis.

To read the 2023–2026 Strategic Business Plan or to learn more about the strategic planning process, you can read it online here at:

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