On Saturday, September 14, Halton Region will host the annual Fall Compost Give Away from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Halton Waste Management Site (HWMS) located at 5400 Regional Road 25 in Milton. During the one-day event, Halton Region encourages residents to pick up compost free of charge.
“Through participation in waste diversion programs like the yard waste collection program, Halton households continue to divert 60% of waste away from the landfill, up from 40% in 2007,” said Gary Carr, Regional Chair. “These efforts help to conserve our landfill, a savings of $15 million to taxpayers.”
Through the participation of Halton residents, approximately 31,000 tonnes of yard waste (e.g. leaves, garden trimmings and brush) was collected in 2012 and turned into rich, garden-friendly compost at HWMS. The resulting compost is now ready for residents to use in their own gardens and landscaping projects.
Residents attending the event:
· Are reminded to bring their own bags or useable containers (e.g. garbage bags, yard waste bags, trailer) and shovel. A maximum of seven bags (or equivalent) of compost may be collected during the event.
· Are responsible for shoveling and bagging their compost.
· Are encouraged to bring a cash donation or non-perishable food items.
In 2012, 4,600 residents came to compost give away events at HWMS and picked up approximately 2,000 tonnes of compost. Residents also donated 6,000 kilograms of food and $10,650 for local food banks.
For more information regarding the Fall Compost Give Away, access Halton by dialing 311 or visit www.halton.ca/waste. Follow Halton Waste Management on Twitter @HaltonRecycles #HaltonCompost, and visit the blog atwww.haltonrecycles.ca.