Walk into most homes today and you are greeted with a shiny tiled, hardwood or laminate floor. Our desire for wall-to-wall carpeting has waned as the trend towards wooden floors (hardwood, engineered hardwood or laminate) has taken over. There’s nothing wrong with this. In fact, I see many pluses to wood floor installation and not so many with a tile floor. Wood floors are easier to clean and maintain (only if done properly) and while they may cost more to install initially, they make for a healthier and safer environment for allergy sufferers. If you are eco-friendly or lean towards a more ‘green’ home, hardwood floors can be repaired instead of being replaced. Hardwood is a sustainable floor product and it can be sanded and refinished (not recommended for engineered hardwood) to remove scratches and nicks acquired over time and restore it to its original finish. Sadly, you cannot do this with carpeting. As well, hardwood flooring has made a come-back and is now very popular in home renovations and new home developments. Some may argue that hardwood keeps the home cooler in the summer, but isn’t as efficient in the winter. Ah, this is where area rugs come into play and can give your room that cosy feel year round.
Prior to removing all the wall-to-wall carpeting in my home, we lived and suffered from dust allergies for a long time. No amount of vacuuming and regular carpet cleaning could take away all the accumulated dust, not to mention the hard to get at places in every room. We lived with a tissue box close at hand as we dealt with constant sniffling and sneezing. Since the installation of hardwood floors throughout our home, cleaning has become easier and there’s been an appreciable decrease in the amount of sneezing and sniffles not to mention the decrease in tissue purchase. All said, we missed that soft underfoot feeling that carpet gives you and that’s when the decision to get decorative and appropriately sized area rugs to warm up the spaces in our home was made.
Yes, I went on a hunt for area rugs as I was determined to find ones that were not only soft underfoot, they had to fit size-wise, and they had to be pieces of art as well. Have you ever thought of your floor as the fifth wall of your home? Well, if you didn’t, think about it ....I certainly do. All the walls in our home are adorned with pieces of art work we’ve collected over the years. So, when we determined what we wanted for each room, I took the time to research and look for the right floor rugs to adorn the floor in the family room, the den, dining room and the bed rooms. I looked for texture, colour, pattern, and most importantly size.
Many moons ago, we purchased a beautiful silk prayer rug from a carpet store on Bay Street in Toronto. We had no intention of using it as a prayer rug but could see it hanging as a piece of art on a wall. We had done a fair amount of trekking around to numerous Persian and Oriental carpet stores in the city and quizzed many salespeople before we settled on this purchase. We did keep budget in mind as well as colour and pattern. In fact, after several years of owning this particular rug, I checked with a local carpet dealer recently about the value of this prayer rug. I did this because the store we had originally purchased the rug from told us that it would be worth a little more in a few years time. Well, wasn’t I surprised when the carpet dealer indicated he was prepared to buy it from me if I decided to sell it? So, our wall hanging has turned out to be a real gem.
My most recent shopping stint has taken me to several local carpet stores in the Oakville/Burlington area in addition to checking virtual stores. Because I like to shop locally I’ve done a fair amount of walking into and out of stores looking for that perfect rug for a client. Sadly I haven’t found what my client wants but I have seen lots of options at the following local stores. I don’t have to tell you that Home Sense stores, Alexanian’s, Home Depot, Bouclair, Sears or the Brick will offer you a selection that meets your needs, however, if you want that special rug that no one else has, you should take a look at Imperial Rug Galleries in Oakville. You will find contemporary or transitional area rugs as well as the beautiful traditional hand knotted Persian or Indian kind at this store. Haig Tootikian Jr. was very keen to show me all their offerings and encouraged me to bring my clients in to take look at more samples. There was certainly a lot of choice. In fact some clients would say, too much........not so for me.
Check out Herat Carpets at 461 Trafalgar Road. Not only can you buy rugs from them, they also professionally clean oriental, Persian and Indian rugs. At Speers Road Carpet you should speak to Carl or Henry and ask for their help if you are looking to purchase an area rug or wall-to-wall carpeting. And then just down the road from them on the North Service Road, check out the Woven Concept Rug Gallery. Julie Welsh cleverly engaged me in conversation to find out how she could help me find the perfect rug. Not only is she very knowledgeable and helpful, she informed me that clients routinely buy more than one rug and take them home to check for fit. She encouraged me to do this with my client. This kind of service certainly makes my work easier.
Beautiful and decorative area rugs not only create that wow factor on the fifth wall of your room, they also create a warmer and cosier feel, they are softer underfoot and they give the room a finished look. If you need assistance picking out the right kinds of rugs for your space, I suggest you contact a certified interior decorator and seek their advice as there are lots of options to consider. You may prefer a hand knotted versus machine made rug or depending on your budget, you may want to select new ‘green or sustainable’ options – sisal, bamboo or sea grass fibre rugs. Wool area rugs – while initially expensive - pay for themselves over time because they are very durable and stain resistant. As well, they have a luxurious look and feel. Silk carpets, now there’s opulence for you with that beautiful sheen and luxurious texture.
Seek advice from a pro, have a budget in mind, and then have fun shopping locally!