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Don’t park your career for the Holidays

Contrary to popular belief, the job world does not come to a stop just because it’s the holidays.

There are lots of great opportunities over the coming weeks to explore and exploit news, knowledge and connections.

Here are the five things you can do for your career this season:

  1.  Christmas parties – office gatherings can be good for mixing with people you work with but never get to talk to.  Think about a few people you want to hang with before you go.
  2. When volunteer opportunities are announced, put up your hand.  Sign up and show you care. This also gets you involved with other people in your organization and causes you to change things up a little.
  3.  As the holidays come closer, people relax a little around the office.  This can be a great time to have conversations with your manager or your manager’s manager.  Don’t just chat with your cube neighbour – stretch a little.
  4. This is a prime time to review and revise your resume.  Surely there are things to add.  It’s been a busy year.
  5. You can really visit a headhunter or a career strategist.  (Just tell your colleagues that you are sneaking out for some last minute gift shopping.)

So don’t just check out and go shopping.  Keep your ear to the ground and your eyes open.  It might make January a whole lot more fun.


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